HAICU is a U7+ Alliance Initiative

U7+ Alliance of world universities


HAICU, a lab whose core is the collective voice of universities, aims to promote cooperation between universities, public institutions, firms and civil society organizations to develop and propose collective responses to the major issues and opportunities raised by human-centered AI+ in societies.

HAICU is based on the idea that universities are part of a vibrant multi-stakeholder human-centered AI+ ecosystem, with which they need to engage in order to remain relevant and innovative. It is involved in an ambitious program of activities based on the exploration, experimentation, execution and evaluation of core human-centered AI+ developments within and beyond universities.

HAICU will maximize its value through pursuit of the following four goals:
  1. Promoting high-impact international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral dialogue and research on responsible human-centered AI+;

  2. Developing, sharing and promoting best practices, tools and solutions that contribute to embedding responsible human-centered AI+ innovation principles and mechanisms within the university’s core mandates of research and education, and within society;

  3. Developing innovative evidence-informed solutions through collaborative research on responsible human-centered AI+;

  4. Speaking publicly as a single voice on core issues related to responsible human-centered AI+.

HAICU performs four functions related to the roles of universities within the human-centered AI+ ecosystem:
  1. HAICU as an engine for university diplomacy to nurture greater collaboration and cooperation among universities and key partners and stakeholders (NGOs, firms, citizen forums, etc.) within the human-centered AI+ ecosystem— this network function relates mostly to challenges and opportunities discussed in this paper on the positioning of universities within the broader human-centered AI+ ecosystem;

  2. HAICU as a collective to create and share best practices for the institutional renewal of universities within this ecosystem—this network function is related to challenges and opportunities arising from the digital transformation’s impact on the fundamental missions of universities

  3. HAICU as a force of advocacy to influence and shape human-centered AI+ developments and impacts according to norms of responsible innovation-this network function sees universities using their specificities and assets to achieve an impact within the broader global AI+ ecosystem by promoting evidence-informed practices and solutions, and

  4. HAICU as a network dedicated to experimentation and the search for evidence- informed innovative solutions, in the spirit, for example, of the UN GlobalPulse initiative for the development and deployment of responsible human-centered AI+.

Through these different functions, HAICU aims to support the development of capacities, to influence the approaches used to develop and deploy human-centered AI+ and to act as a set of labs to identify and experiment innovative solutions with key partners across the ecosystem.

HAICU’s Core Members

North America

  • Northwestern University (USA)
  • Université de Montréal (Quebec, Canada)
  • University of Toronto (Ontario, Canada)
  • University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)


  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India)
  • Osaka University (Japan)


  • Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Sénégal)


  • Polytechnique Paris (France)
  • Université Côte d’Azur (France)
  • Université d'Aix-Marseille (France)
  • University of Edinburgh (UK)
  • University of Milan (Italy)
  • University of Naples Federico II (Italy)

Management Team

Catherine Régis


Université de Montréal

  • Full Professor in the Faculty of Law
  • Associate Vice-Rector for Strategic Planning and Communications
  • Holder of the Canada Research Chair on Collaborative Culture in Health Law and Policy
  • Associate academic member at Mila
  • Expert member, Responsible AI Working Group, Global Partnership on AI
  • Co-director of the Health Hub: Policy, Organisations and Law (H-POD)
  • Researcher at the Centre de recherche en droit public, the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier universitaire de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) and the Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l'intelligence artificielle et du numérique (OBVIA)

Jean-Louis Denis


Université de Montréal

  • Full Professor at the School of Public Health, Department of Management, Evaluation and Health Policy
  • Chairholder - GETOS - CFHI/CIHR Chair in Governance and Transformation of Health Organizations
  • Chairholder - Canada Research Chair in the Keys to Transformation in Health System Reform and Improvement Processes
  • Member of the Centre de recherche en droit public
  • Member of the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal
  • Member of the Canada Research Chair on Collaborative Culture in Health Law and Policy

Réjean Roy

Project Manager

Université de Montréal

Steering Committee Members

Catherine Blaya

Université Côte d'Azur
  • Professor in Education Sciences


Marina Teller

Université Côte d'Azur


  • Professor of Private Law
  • Director, Chair 3IA "Law & AI"

Ravi Gudi

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Full professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

Samba Ndiaye

Université Cheikh Anta Diop

Bruno Ventelou

Université d'Aix-Marseille and CNRS
  • Research professor, Aix-Marseille School of Economics

Cristina Mele

University of Naples Federico II
  • Professor of Service Innovation
  • University Delegate for Innovation and Third Mission
  • PhD Coordinator in Management, Department of Economics, Management and Institution.
  • Chair of the Research Area in Innovation and Technological Transfer, LUPT.
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the University Service Center "Federica Weblearning - University Center for Innovation, Experimentation and Dissemination of Multimedia Education".
  • Ambassador of ISSIP.org (International Society of Service Innovation Professionals).

Annelise Riles

Northwestern University
(United States)
  • Associate Provost for Global Affairs Executive Director, Northwestern Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs

Catherine Régis

Université de Montréal
(Canada, Quebec)

Costanza Nardocci

Università degli Studi di Milano

Researcher in Constitutional Law, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law

Jean-Louis Denis

Université de Montréal
(Canada, Quebec)

Atsuo Kishimoto

Osaka University
  • Director of Research Center on Ethical,Legal and Social Issues (ELSI Center)
  • Professor, Institute for Datability Science

Gaël Richard

Polytechnique Paris
  • Executive Director, Hi! Paris
  • Professor, Télécom Paris

Shannon Vallor

University of Edinburgh
  • Baillie Gifford Chair in the Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence
  • Director, Centre for Technomoral Futures at the Edinburgh Futures Institute